Industrial Powers

by Edward Vanderjagt


That's Reagan Jones there. Part of the band Iris. So far I have been the one to do most of the Iris images. Note on page seven (20080702) I did most of the band and Kari fixed my mistakes and shading. Kari did of course do the rest of the page.

They are a fun bunch to draw.

Origionally I found that I had need for a band, and since Kari knew them I thought that it would be fun if I threw them in. Iris gave the go ahead and I went from there. Reagan Jones turned into Ray Gun Jones. Andrew Sega had a project called the Alpha Conspiricy, so he gets to be the Alpha Conspiritor. Often playing with the band is Ned from Stromkern, so he gets to be Sir Tom Kern.

--Crazy Writer Guy

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