Industrial Powers

by Edward Vanderjagt


Hit next and you will see page thirteen of our zero issue. We apologize for the minor delay. As a token of our regret we threw in an extra color page in this issue.

When you hit next you will get to meet some of the actual main characters of our comic. They didn't show up at all in the first half of the 0 issue because we needed to set up the world before we put in our characters. Think of it like a painting. You put in the background first knowing that you are planning on painting the objects in the foreground over it. Heartbreaking, I know.

I just noticed that I gave Kari the art credit for the two concept pages. I'll have to fix that. She doesn't really sketch. When she sets pen or pencil to paper she intends for it to come out a masterpiece. I scribble things like this to get an idea of what I want something to look like without investing the time it would take to do a finished piece.

The above is my concept art for Gun Borg. One of the more prominent members of alpha team. We had pretty much completed most of our material involving beta team when we realized that we didn't really know what we wanted the alphas to look like. oops.

We wanted Gun Borg to have most of his replaced limbs on his left side. The left side of his face was also given cybernetics. Then we needed to think of how to put guns where we needed. And that was what I came up with.

--Crazy Writer Guy

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