Industrial Powers

by Edward Vanderjagt


What? Oh! The comic, yes. Well, let's see.

In this one we see Super Thug talking about not being able to vote. I wasn't trying to be political about the Az. stance on felon voting. What I was trying to do is to highlight some of the dumber things I have heard as reasons to vote. Super Thug thinks that just because Obama is black that it means that he is from the hood. Arrow flame is voting based on looks. Lash is voting based on geography.

Seriously folks. Did you expect an informed decision based on issues? How boring would it be if I had one of the characters go into the long term effects of increasing the capital gains tax? Do you care that it slows the rate that rich people spend money? I'm not rich. Are you?

Oh, and for the record my understanding of the laws involved in Super Thug are as follows: Powered individuals do not get a vote if their secret identities are registered to vote as this would allow them to vote twice. This allows for a legal loop hole allowing Super Thug's secret identity to vote even if his Powered identity is registered as a felon since both identities are legally separate. Super Thug did not think of this however and is registered to vote under his powered identity.

If he had served his time and payed all of his debts to the state he would be allowed to vote, but let's not put the cart before the horse.

--Crazy Writer Guy

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