Industrial Powers
by Edward Vanderjagt

Welcome to this month's buffer page. Industrial Powers is a web comic that updates a lot at the first weekend of each new month. In order to make sure that you don't open the spoiler page first we put in this buffer page. Presently we are working on the Iris mini arc (Well, I am. Kari is working on the next chapter of our main story line.) The iris Arc starts here: goes to here: jumps to here: and is presently up to here: . Hold on, it's the new year. December's issue is dated in October and This month's issue is dated December. What gives? Well loyal readers, It's like this. We date our comics in order so they come out in order on your computer. What we do not do is date them in an order that makes any sense. Understand now? So how about the main story line? Issue 0: Issue 00: Issue 1: Issue 2: Oh, and look for a renovation of the web work in the next month or two. I'm planning on setting things up so that my web guy can show of his web wonder. --< b>Crazy Writer Guy |
Oh patient, long suffering readers- my art returns next month because my schedule is easing up, somewhat. Which means -a return to the main story, and a return to continuity, well drawn people, badly drawn landscape, and a full 12 pages. Thanks for sticking with us through this foray into Ed's brain and bizarre perceptions of human anatomy. This picture is from my sketchbook, and is an early Black Nov, accompanied by Sam the Ghost. Remember them? No? That goofy kid with the pentagram on the carpet that probably really pissed off his mom? Well, you'll have plenty of opportunity to get reaquanted soon. --< b>Kari |

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